Hepcat Dilemma Interview!

“One of my favourite albums of last year was by a band Id never heard of before, Hepcat Dilemma. Not only was it unexpected it was also chock full of the sort of music I don’t often find myself listening to: anarchic, challenging, quirky and all in all simply wonderful.”
And so begins the interview of our own Chris Colpo; a conversation with Mark Rockpit from the Australian Music Site The Rockpit.
The interview, which was conducted in February, before the Coronavirus disrupted (or worse) all of our lives, is light-hearted, focusing on everything from the music and history of Hepcat Dilemma to Mark and Cris’ shared love of all things ‘Star Wars’ to the meaning of life.
All in all a great read, well worth checking out! You can read the full interview by clicking HERE. And make sure and add The Rockpit to your regular web browsing – a truly great read and an excellent reminder that Rock music is as relevant and universal today as it has ever been – 0r maybe even more so.
Plus, you can check out the two songs discussed in the interview, ‘Night of the Spiders’ and ‘What Will Her Kiss Mean Tomorrow’ by clicking HERE and going to our Music page.
And remember, you can get a copy of Hepcat Dilemma’s album ‘Art Imitates Life’ without ever leaving your house… just click HERE to go to our Store page.