Hepcat Dilemma Back in the Studio
After numerous delays, Hepcat Dilemma returned to Hollywood Studios in Dormont on Sunday to
resume work on the new album. The band spent the afternoon with producer Matt Vaughan tracking
four new songs for the follow up to the critically acclaimed “Art Imitates Life”. A spokesman for the band said that they were thrilled with the results and would be returning soon to continue working on the songs.
Along with “The Romper Room” and “In the Court of Popson Johnson”, which have highlighted the live set for the past couple of years the band recorded “Wordwar” and “Things No Way” which saw their live debut just a couple weeks earlier when Hepcat Dilemma performed at Pittsburgh’s Deutschtown Festival and the band was itching to strike while the iron was hot. “The songs were screaming to be recorded,” said guitarist Bob Loiselle. “They’ve been exploding out of the speakers at practice and we needed to get them recorded while they were still on fire.”
Hapcat Dilemma started work on the album soon after “Art Imitates Life” hit the streets but have been plagued by delays caused by the pandemic and various health problems. But with these issues finally behind them Hepcat can feel the momentum building. “It’s been a trying couple of years,” says Bob, “but now we can clearly see where we’re heading and the best is yet to come.”
With several more songs slated to be recorded later in the year, the band will be in the studio through much of the winter and plan to have the new album ready to be released next year.